"Teresa has gifts to offer everyone! If you have found yourself reading this review, stop and give thanks!! You needn't look further and are here for a reason!
It is with a humble heart I write that Teresa has brought lasting results to my life. I now hold a feeling that everything is going to be all right, rather than the anxiety and fear I used to carry.
The sound of her voice alone puts me instantly at ease, and gives me hope!
I have attempted countless drafts to try and put into words this Angel I know as Teresa!
I have decided to take words from each sentence and go with that...
Affordable! Pure! Gracious! Honest! Funny! Compassionate! Insightful! Accurate! Real! Counselor! Gifted! Comforting! Safe! Healer! Loving! Kind Hearted! Relate-able! Easy Going! Judgement Free!"
-T.L., MN. USA
"Thank you, Teresa, for your gentle and respectful guidance. I came into the session not knowing what to expect, somewhat fearful, and was given information I really needed to receive. I was a bit numb during the session, but as soon as it ended, it felt like a huge release had occurred energetically and the floodgates were open. I cried like a baby and I can still feel its effects lingering even after a few days.
I am truly grateful you are sharing your gift and happy to have experienced it myself."
-Corina, Vancouver
"Thank you so much for sharing your insightful conversation with me this morning. Everything you said rang true. You have lovely energy and sweet intentions. Your openness made it possible for my energy to shift as you spoke. I could feel it! It was one of the most profound conversations I have ever had in my life; I don't recall ever feeling such liberating energetic shifts - releases - like that during a conversation! Thank you for being so open, allowing the truth to come through you, allowing your light to shine, allowing me to be who I am without judgment. It was immensely helpful. I knew it would be, but I didn't expect it to be so soon! Thank you also for your generosity, Teresa, for making it happen. What a gift. I am honored and grateful, and I feel like I can move forward now. What a relief!"
- Allison M. Alberta, Canada
“I find Teresa exceptionally helpful. She has alleviated some of the worst pain of my osteoarthritis and we are still working to reduce it more. If I have any other worries it is helpful to discuss them with her and heed her wise advice. In addition, I have found she will go that extra mile, offering extra help when needed. She is the best I have found.”
JD Thompson, UK
"If you know anyone who is ill, feeling depressed, desiring to connect with a deceased relative, wanting to spiritually ascend or just in need of some answers, Teresa Cameron is a wonderful resource to turn to. Her gifts are endless. She can tap into your past or into your future and even tap into your medical issues. She can provide priceless guidance on a variety of topics. My family regularly turns to Teresa for advice. Recently, a Dr. prescribed pills for the pain my Mom was experiencing with no other remedies. Teresa was able to link her current medical issues to a past lower back injury and provide a direction that her Dr. could not. She presents an efficient roadmap to recovery. She also cleared the avalanche of relatives living/passed which suck the life energy from my Mom. Lastly, Teresa has a fascinating ability to bring forth those who have passed. It was a pleasure to see my Mom light up as Teresa connected my Mom to her brother who passed in his 20’s. She can convey any messages they have for you. I highly recommend a session with her; she will leave you feeling lighter and with a deeper sense of connection to the miraculous."
KH - Great Vancouver Area
"Can I just say thank you and wow! I have just finished the course and I am amazed at the changes I feel. My pressure headaches have completely gone after you worked on me. You also helped me massively understand my mums problems that resided in me also.
I found the meditations really powerful and even though many times I fell asleep and sometimes missed chunks of what you were saying, I kept listening and eventually the wisdom came through.
The way you are so down to earth and have incredible incite made me trust you completely.
The meditation course wasn't easy for me but I'm so grateful for the changes that came from it. My life is still not perfect but I have the tools to accept where I am and I now ask what am I meant to learn and how can I grow. So simple yet so powerful and it gets me out of the negative frame of mind instantly.
Thanks to you and all the people on the group who often asked my questions for me.
Thanks for sharing your brilliant gift and I would whole heartedly recommend you to all my friends.
Thanks again,"
Liz, Ireland
"Words pale when compared to the deep emotions of peace, love, and hope I feel when I start to write a testimonial for Teresa and her gracious calling.
Because I've felt shifts at such a deep level, they feel like they fall short when describing how Teresa has made a difference in myself, my life, and with my children. Everything and everyone has shifted for the better since I started working with her.
I have participated in her very affordable offers...meditation series, healing series, as well as multiple personal phone sessions.
Teresa has helped me rid my daily fear and anxiety and replace it with peace and self empowerment. The process has felt gentle, loving and safe.
Teresa has given me the tools to evolve into the person I've always wanted to be and knew was inside of me.
Her honesty with sharing of her own experience(s), and generosity of knowledge has shifted my understandings/perspectives, cleared blockages, and explained behaviors that I've struggled with my entire life.
I am so grateful to have crossed Teresa's path and encourage ANYone to give her a try. You won't be sorry, I can promise you that!!
Love and Peace from MN"
Terese L., USA
"I attended a psychic fair with a friend and Teresa was speaking. This was my first fair so I had little expectation. About 10 minutes after Teresa started to speak, there was a rush of energy circling the room. This wOman was the real deal. I had a session with her and she saw my most horrific memory and released it with a snap! No biggie. I slumped forward with the release. I was free. When I got an email about her course, I signed up. It was a journey of healing for all. She has set an example of how kindness and love can be radiated to all. During the course she attended a woman's fair so I had a session with her there. She saw a spirit guide with me and I felt great release. During the last class she saw my teacher again. At my phone session she saw my sons immediately and described them and their dynamics exactly . This confirmed how I saw them already but once again she snapped her fingers and I felt free. Teresa is the real deal. Her mediations have help me see visions because I believe she willingly shares her energy from source so freely. Since there are no coincidences, I believe I met this loving human bring at the exact right time. It has been a great pleasure."
Wanda L. Victoria, BC
"You are a channel....You exude a gentle-powerful unspoken spiritual signal. Your ability to be so present, allows one to feel safe and to become available, thus making more sense of their chaotic human world. You possess an immense generosity of your time through spirit that allows one to be heard, or better yet, feeling that one is being held in a "spirit space channel" , weather it's a conceptualized human problem and/or a beautiful spiritual emergency jolt with love and respect. This is one best unconditional gifts you can offer anyone. No "feeling" human can deny this, a stark transcendence to our inherent primary needs of support, certainty, variety, and significant, opening the door to help recognize any sense imbalance, benign or not. Methinks, these inherent needs are important to recognize what pieces of information can evoke interconversion, both ie, human and spirit. I can say without any doubt, my particular experience has shown me a sense of true potentiality and disproportionate rewards connecting to source. I know, there are many ways for one to distract oneself, especially from their life's purpose, my goal, now is to see past this noise of ego. You're definitely a conduit, a spiritual catalytic agent of change who recognizes opportunities where others may see chaos or confusion as in a human and/or spiritual form."
Eric, BC Canada
"I was lead to Teresa nine months ago at a time when I was lost and in a very dark place. I had high anxiety, heart palpitations, lots of body pain and other physical symptoms – worst of all; I could no longer feel love. It wasn’t like me and I didn’t understand how I got there. I had tried a lot of different things and while they did help, I needed more. Within five minutes of our first session, Teresa found a dark energy form that went through my heart and was raising havoc in my body.
Since then, I have been working with great discipline and determination with Teresa through personal sessions, courses (meditations and lectures), and a monthly coaching program to regain my spirit and love for life. In the process, I was able to release patterns of fear and limitations, shed most of my physical and emotional pain, and grow through greater spiritual wisdom, compassion, and unconditional love.Yes, I feel love now…and it is fabulous! It is like Teresa’s beautiful and pure essence lifted me up out of the muck and showed me how to regain my strength and find my truth. I am eternally grateful!"
Mpls, MN
"If anyone thinks meditating is impossible, they haven't tried Teresa Cameron's spectacular guided meditations. After everyone of her meditations I feel deeply relaxed and what I can only describe as being "yummy"! As a result of three months of meditating daily, I am far less reactive... Even when someone smashed up my classic car, I remained, relaxed, calm and dealt with the situation appropriately. With Teresa's guided mediations, I feel that I have found a spiritual tool that I can trust to bring to me to a place of deep understanding about myself and the world. Teresa is a very gentle soul who is a true spiritual teacher. It is a privilege to be taught by her. Thank you for sharing your love and light."
Teresa A. C, Canada
The feeling of connecting to pure source in the last class was one of the most powerful experiences I have ever had!
Cynthia P, USA
"I am more than happy to write a testimonial about how Teresa has helped me. I met Teresa when I was suffering from mono. I felt awful and wasn't sure where to turn for help. Right away she mentioned the pain radiating from my spleen which had been going on for 1 1/2 weeks and she told me that she would work on it for me. Within 30 minutes I realized that the pain was gone and it didn't come back. I was hooked. Teresa has helped me spiritually more than I ever thought possible. She has helped me realize my intuitive abilities, clear family lineage distortion, and has helped my kids. I had always been turned off by meditation until I was introduced to Teresa's meditations. I love doing them and my kids will ask for her meditations too. Her classes are extremely insightful as well as her one on one sessions.Thanks Teresa!"
-Beth, Minnesota
“Dearest Teresa, thank-you SO MUCH for some amazing sessions over the course of the last year – I’m so thankful that my Spirit guided me to you and so grateful to you and your work. From the very first session I recognised the deep truth and integrity of what you were saying and your words resonated deeply within my Soul. Each time we work together I feel that I am strengthening my connection with Pure Source, with you holding the space, and my life continues to move forwards in ways I could never have imagined!
I love the way you are able to tap directly into Pure Source and give me guidance on a wide range of topics – from relationships, to health, to work, to finances – and all the while I feel supported and loved and comfortable with being my authentic self. Your guidance has proved spot-on on countless occasions and has helped me not only to see the current situation more fully but also the wider perspective behind it all. This in turn has helped me to be more accepting of events and to flow more easily with what is happening, accepting that what is happening is part of a higher plan for my life – even if it’s not always happening in quite the way I would choose 😉
Much love to you Teresa – thank-you for being You!"
-G.E. UK”
"When I was lead to Teresa through my acupuncturist, I had this deep sense of "knowing" that connecting with her would be a life-changing experience. I can whole-heartedly say that it has been, and that working with Teresa has not only changed my life but it is likely saving it. I have struggled for a decade with a health condition that doctors have never quite had a positive outlook on, but I have always known that if I were to find the right path, be in the right place at the right time with the right healers, and forge ahead with trust and faith, I could overcome this and live a full life of happiness, joy, abundance and health. After 10 years of traveling down path after path, feeling unwell, lost and directionless, I believe that it was connecting with Teresa that pointed me in the right direction. With the help of Teresa and her gift, I have discovered a newly illuminated path and I see and feel with such positivity that it is the path meant meant for me, and with her help, I have maintained the physical strength and spiritual fortitude to walk down it and begin to manifest the healthy life that I was always meant to live. I believe that Teresa cleared the way for new doctors to join my team, new opportunities to arise, new hope to form, relationships to be healed, and most importantly for me to release what no longer serves me so I can welcome in what my spirit has been trying to receive for so long. I feel the changes in my body and I see the shifts in my life, and though I am not entirely back on my feet yet and I don't consider myself to be be fully healed, I can now say more confidently that I ever have that I will reach a state of fully restored health and happiness in my lifetime on this earth.
Thank you for so generously sharing your gift with us Teresa, and for playing an irreplaceable healing presence in our lives. You are a true earth angel!
With love and gratitude,
"Teresa Cameron has an angelic presence and touch. I feel blessed to have found her. The evening of my father's appointment with Teresa, I knew it would be a magical session and it was. After the hospital sent my father home to recover with no guidance, she helped guide us to a natural path which has since helped my father on the path to recovery. She even connected us with my late Great Grandfather; whom I had heard so much about but never met before. She has been very accurate in her assessment of many issues, her guidance is gentle yet POWERFUL. She also fine tuned my connection with Pure Source ( God/Higher Being) and taught me that I can connect through out the day rather than only during my meditations. Subsequent to my meeting with her, I ensured each member of my family had an appointment with her as well. I look forward to my next session with her and I am truly grateful that she is an available conduit for connecting to the Pure Source energy."
-P.H. Surrey, British Columbia.
"Teresa these meditations are life changing! I just started them four days ago.
I have done 4 of them and they put me in a soft place of love, light and lightness of being that was always so hard to reach. My heart is finally still and my mind is solid. I actually look forward to meditation time. It is not an effort anymore.
Love and Light to Teresa
- Teresa, BC Canada
"I’ve worked with Teresa both in private sessions as well as her 6 week classes and it is evident that she’s working with you straight from her wide open heart. She takes the time to communicate with clarity, so that you really have a clear understanding of whatever you’re asking. And of course, she has helped me connect more strongly to Pure Source. Teresa has the most beautiful, angelic energy. Thank you for helping humanity awaken!"
- Chaya, New York
"Teresa revealed something so crucial to me that it literally unblocked lifetimes of struggling as I attempted time after time to make anything work in my life. My perception of myself as a complete failure was totally turned around upon receiving this information, plus other details that explained my powerlessness even further. Today my life isn't even recognizable from where it was some months ago when I first met Teresa. I had completely lost faith before that day. Her name came to me in a roundabout way :):) & I had no intention of having a reading, but for some reason :):) I decided to call for an appointment. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. Thank you, Teresa....you are truly a gift."
"I had a session with Teresa just after my Grandma who was very dear to me passed away. I am a very spiritual person, but I had felt very disconnected to myself and source since she passed. My session with Teresa helped me to regain that connection. It also helped me to have peace with my Grandma's passing. I noticed many shifts after my session and I am currently still living those out in an awesome way. I feel so much better and I am really looking forward to another session with her in the near future. Her meditations are hands down some of the best meditations I have listened to. Thank you Teresa for the work you do!"
-Sara M, Vancouver BC
"I listen to your courses (meditations) every day and it makes me more balanced. You taught me that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be, doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing, so I'm allowing myself to progress on the spiritual path in my own rhythm (although at times I wish it could be quicker!!!) Thank you for showing me that I don't need to heal others, but rather just be who I am and allow.
I would definitely recommend you, for the depth, clarity and purity of your sessions, for the wonderful being that you are!"
-Cornelia, Canada
"My sessions with Teresa have been so amazing! Her sweet, calm spirit is able to help draw your spirit into a deep state of relaxation and healing. The last session with her brought me to a higher vibration and I was able to experience a greater state of BEING…able to handle the stresses around me without anxiety or fear."
"Dear Teresa,
I have no words to express my Beyond Deep Gratitude for Your Assistance, Guidance and Spiritually Graceful Hand Holding, Even as I think of you I feel what I think of as Pure Source Presence, I am Awakening More and More, having a Much more Expansive Conscious Awareness to this and Other Realities. Thank you So Very Humbly. Blessed are Those Who come in Contact with You!!!"
-George O. California
-Teresa is truly a beautiful soul. Her genuine intent shines through her during her sessions creating a peaceful and encouraging environment. In a time when we are bombarded with online marketers of spiritual assistance, Teresa's gift and true desire to help others is refreshing. It does not matter where you are in your spiritual journey, Teresa takes the time and care to gently assist you in healing and learning. She is a powerful blessing.
-Treva, BC
"I scheduled a session with Teresa upon the recommendation of a friend. As soon as she started speaking, I could feel her sincerity and that every word she spoke was filled with love and for my highest good. It felt so peaceful. I had been at a crossroads and had been trying to make a big decision in my life and her session helped me do that. I would highly recommend Teresa. Thanks!"
-Sharla S., Saint Paul, MN
"I am amazed each time I do a session with Teresa. I can feel her energy working on me and where she is working each time. She is truly gifted and I will continue to work with her and refer people to her - Thank you Teresa for sharing your gifts with the world!"
-Bobbie R., Minnesota
"There are a so many things to say about Teresa... Wonderful healer, kind, understanding, compassionate, I can go on and on. But you must experience her for yourself, just one session or meditation will leave you profoundly changed. Replaying meditations have the same effects, I use them often! Thank you Teresa."
-Elizabeth C. Virginia, USA
"I have attended 3 group meditation sessions and found Teresa to be insightful, kind and knowledgeable. I have always received insights and answers that have helped me grow and move forward. She generously shares her gift and is able to connect with everyone with wisdom and warmth. I would recommend Teresa to anyone who is seeking more peace, understanding and growth in their lives."-
-Lu Ismay, BC
"From the very first phone session with Teresa, I felt very blessed to have found her. She was highly recommended to me by a friend who is an energy practitioner, and had "stellar "a-ha's" from her remote sessions.
Teresa is very special - besides being keenly intuitive regardless of what area she's picking up on, she's extremely compassionate, genuinely listens and responded to my challenges and issues on a variety of levels.
I've had private sessions with energy healers/practitioners for a variety of reasons in my life's journey, but still face difficulties from a very traumatic and physically depleting time in my life. Teresa immediately picked up on a key element and started to clear the enmeshed hold it's had on my being able to face additional challenges with a clearer perspective, instead of being trapped completely in the old cords of the past energies.
Her heart, light energy and field comes across, as I listen to my recording again and again. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to receive Teresa's kindness and flow of Light! With an attitude of gratitude for her Pure Source essence, and helping me to continue to strengthen my connection to Pure Source too."
-JJ, California
I'm feeling much more confident about being a healer since taking your course. I am finding that I trust what comes to me so much more than I did before.
When I get feedback from clients, it's surprising how on target the information was that I got for them. It's just absolutely amazing. I'm so very happy with these skills that I am newly trusting and newly developing. I'm happy and my clients are happy. It's a win-win situation.
-Jerry, California
These sessions are fantastic! I have been listening daily & as I tune in I can certainly feel a shift energetically.
-K.M, Albert, Canada
It was such a pleasure to meet with you and I feel 1,000x’s better.
-Casandra, Alberta
Thank you... Really helpful session on many levels. My body has been buzzing since our session : )...A big shift in my field for sure, which is quite wonderful.
-Chris, California
I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed taking the two classes with you starting in January - very much! I looked forward to being with you and the other people in the class each week, and your guidance to connecting us with source. This has been so huge and meaningful to my life. I learned a lot from you. I so love your generous, down-to-earth matter-of-fact way of being and working with pure source - it is very comforting and reassuring. Thank you for answering and working with my questions. The tapping away of things you did while answering some of my questions was definitely felt. I'm seeing changes in my life and way of being as a result of those tappings and the 12 weeks of learning from you.
-Sarah, Canada
It feels like a miracle that I feel good, bright and hopeful today.
-Cynthia, USA
My heart is so thankful for you, and all your loving energies. You are so compassionate...I am so blessed to have the opportunity to receive your kindness and flow of Light!
-Jennifer, California
I want to thank you profusely for including me in the wonderful classes and the Valentine meditation, all of which mean more to me than I can express. Plus...having them available to continually reinforce the huge shifts you have inspired in me and my life is...without sounding too dramatic...astounding.
I can't stop smiling!
-Suzanne, MN, US
A note to you to express my gratitude for all your Gifts you shared with us on both of the recent courses- Intuition and Recharge Your Life.
Each night I looked forward to what you’d be sharing and to the awesome meditations. BTW: I really liked how you made a separate recording just for the mediation so it is easy to get to. Got them all archived!
Your gentle spirit and loving guidance always came through - interesting to hear you read out peoples questions and your response for each.
-Cathy, Vancouver, BC
I want to thank you for sharing your wonderful gift with me. My session with you was by far the most incredible thing I have ever experienced.
-Rick, BC Canada
I just want to take a moment to reflect back to you the beauty and the sheer magic of you and your work. In my session, you dug a little deeper into my struggle with allergies and environmental sensitivities and uncovered that mold was indeed a large piece to the picture and once that is addressed, I will be able to make great strides with my health. The day after my session with you, I had an appointment on the calendar with a doctor who I had scheduled with weeks ago, to go over some blood work we did back at the end of Fall. She proceeded to tell me that my labs showed that it appears that I was exposed to a large amount of mold in the past, and even though I'm no longer being exposed to it, my cells are hanging on to each of the species I've been exposed to. It oddly felt like such a magical moment hearing this, since I had no idea that the appointment was even going to address mold or anything that you and I had uncovered in our session the day prior. This synchronicity felt so beautifully divine and like such a validating sign from the Universe, and my session with you helped me to understand that the information being uncovered in that appointment is key to my healing and my progression on my path. Pure source magic. You are magic.
During my session with you, I also expressed that I was still feeling a little lost on what direction to take with practitioners and medical intervention/treatment for these particular health challenges, and you dug deeper into that for me as well and said that you saw me receiving an IV treatment that you described in great detail. To my dismay, my doctor introduced me to that very treatment during my appointment the very following day. She described it in the same detail you did; the only difference was that she revealed the name and the science behind requiring it. Usually I would shy away from a treatment of this nature, but my session with you, its divine synchronicity, and the faith and hope and confirmation that I received from it, have given me the courage and the security needed to walk confidently forward in my path. And most of all, it has not only provided me with the faith that I will heal, it gifted me the strength and confidence to actually begin. I now view my session with you as the day I truly began to heal. Thank you for igniting a light on so many paths, allowing those of us who have gotten a little lost to finally be able to see the way.
With love, reflected light, and a little magic,
-CO, California, US
“Hello again Teresa. I am still amazed at what I experienced on Sunday thanks to you. The things you said and did for me are the exact things I have been asking for. My life is in a period of transition and for the last seven months I have been writing poetry. I have no idea where it is coming from but it is very therapeutic for me. Only a few people know that I am writing poetry and only one person has read any at all. They were moved to tears so I'll take that as a good sign lol. I was inspired to write this poem by you and what I experienced and I can't help but share it with you. If it makes you feel good for one minute of one day I would be a happy man.
Your words began with validation and to help me see
Every word you said meant something to me
You spoke of an angel that I can't see or hear
You recognized a lack of confidence, anxiety and fear
You could see that I have been asking for help and direction
Seeking guidance and to restore my spiritual connection
You made the shape of a ball with your hands
And suggested I be careful with what my anger demands
Directing your hands which are obviously as gifted
My anxiety is addressed and my spirit is lifted
I believe I was led to you by the light in all of our lives
To help me overcome and to see what the darkness hides
Your words and hands have helped clear the way
Thank you Teresa, for what you did for me that day.
In gratitude,”
-Brian, Alberta Canada
I listen to the reading over and over again and connect to Pure Source stronger each time. That reading set me on a course for fast transformation, things are moving quickly. I've put on my seat belt!
Thank you!!
- Marilyn, Hawaii
I listen to the reading over and over again and connect to Pure Source stronger each time. That reading set me on a course for fast transformation, things are moving quickly. I've put on my seat belt!
Thank you!!
- Marilyn, Hawaii
“I just want to thank you for the very special session I had with you today. I am still glowing from it! Right out the gate, you brought up things that were so close to my heart, such as my love for Nature, crystals, my own evolution and my family. You are truly gifted and made me feel like we had already known each other! I feel that a real healing took place today within my family and I look forward to seeing the shifts that may take place. THANK you! I am so grateful my Guardian Angels led me to you!
Much Love, xoxo”
- MaryAnn, California
“Thank you so much for the beautiful meditation last night. It was definitely the most powerful one for me so far, and so wonderful to feel the strong energy of one of my angels (and maybe also one of my guides, I am not sure). I am still fairly new to having faith in the presence of angels and guides, but this week has been a beautiful confirmation.
Thank you so much for your presence, inspiration, and guidance. This truly is a beautiful spiritual journey, and I'm so grateful to be a part of it.
With gratitude + love, Thank you so much Teresa”
- Carla, Salt Lake City, Utah
"Thank you so very much for this Beautiful Meditation series. I love this time of year as the opportunity to Shine the Light and Love of Christ more fully into the world, to bring that Grace, Joy, and Peace of the Divine and spread it far and wide. (I do this every day of the year, but many are more open to it now so I am grateful). You are such a Blessing in this world. You Radiate a Vibration that creates a deeply peaceful place and space where people may rest into a Safe and Sacred Sanctuary where the Divine awaits their welcome. So sweet, so powerful, so perfect - Thank You!"
-Tempril, British Columbia
"Simply...Amazing! My heart and spirit are so very filled with joy. I still have a permanent smile on my face. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You" 🙂
- Anonymous, USA
"Seventeen years ago my husband was diagnosed with Relapsing/Remitting Multiple Sclerosis and for most of that time he managed to keep his illness under control with diet and exercise. Three years ago his MS got significantly worse and he was placed on medication. The medication had caused him to become fatigued and he had lost all motivation. He ceased to be the loving husband and father he once was. A fellow co- worker had been talking about how wonderful she felt after a session with Teresa Cameron and after reading about her healing sessions I booked an appointment immediately. We both went into it not knowing what to expect, but at the end of the appointment my husband walked out looking completely different than he did when he walked in. It looked like he had gone back in time and the last three years never happened. He looked like my husband again and not the sluggish, disinterested shell he had turned into. I hadn't seen him in so long I forgot what he looked like, I instantly started to cry. He was relaxed and glowing, his energy had been restored, his MS attacks have been reduced by almost 90%, his mood has improved and he has returned the vibrant person he used to be. Teresa is such a gifted, amazing medium and such a wonderful person. She is knowledgable, professional and she completely puts you at ease. There aren't even words to describe what she does. She was our last hope and has literally turned our lives around. We are so blessed to have met her."
- Chantal F. British Columbia
"Thank you sooooo much Teresa! I'm so infinitely grateful for you!!! When Mas introduced you on Thursday evening in Sedona, I immediately felt like an inferno ignited in the room and was in such wonder at that. I had to seriously take my coat off and fan myself! I'm so beyond happy that I was able to have a session with you! I feel immensely different, brighter, radiant, just ecstatic with beauty and joy, treasuring this wondrous connection! Thank you sooo much for helping me, Teresa! Thank you for being such a glorious gift! If I can ever help anyone even a teeny fraction of as much as you've just helped me, it will be the greatest honor & privilege! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!!! Smiles!"
-C.H, Phoenix AZ
“Teresa thanks so much. You have helped me more then you know. Everything that was said today was exactly what I needed to hear, it relieved me of the pressure I have been putting on myself. I needed the truth more then anything and that's what you provided me with and I very much appreciate your service. Thanks again much love.”
-Kale J., Courtenay, BC
“Thank you so much for a very enlightening morning. You communicate very clearly a difficult concept. I have skirted around aspects of your topics for years... I'm very intrigued to learn and discover more.”
-Janine, Courtenay, BC
"Thank you very much!!
I was thrilled with my session and I'm feeling a lot better! I am very much looking forward to seeing you again!"
-M.H., British Columbia
“I can not express my gratitude for your help and guidance today. Your compassion and understanding are beyond words, and the healing energy is so filled with love. You are so "Here" for us, I wish I could give back to you somehow.
I am feeling better...just exhausted now.”
-E.C, California
I've been crying as I've been typing ... all types of tears ... sadness, gratitude, compassion, love, laughter etc but I just wanted you to know that I am very grateful to you for your wonderful gift and for helping me to let go of much heaviness in my heart.
Thank you for being You.
-Stephanie, UK
“Going into this appointment, I had no expectations. I had never heard of Teresa before. She just appeared on my Facebook page. It was an excellent 30 minutes. I will be repeating this experience some time in the future. You might hear from a few more people from Whaletown, Cortes as I have been bragging about our encounter. Thank you!”
-Helene R., British Columbia
"Mas Sajady mentioned in one of his teleforms that you (Teresa) have the closest abilities that he has, that he has met so far. When we were talking I started to feel my spirit around me and was rocking back and forth like I do when I am listening to Mas. I like that you can explain and clarify things I have questions about. Thank you so much!"
-Dana, California
"Each session with Teresa has been awesome to say the least! Teresa really works with you and does a great job answering some of those nagging questions in your head. I feel my life is turning around for the better because of the progress I've made with Teresa. The world is a better place with people like Teresa in it. Thank you very much!!!!"
I really enjoyed, and more importantly benefited from the Meditation Saturday. It was my first on line with you and it definitely won't be the last!
It was a great to feel so connected with yourself and the group. I loved the meditations, they are both very special, deep and powerful. I shall continue to listen to them regularly.
Thank you
"I have experienced 2 sessions with Teresa and have to say that she is top notch. She’s very grounded and her ability to “cut to the chase” is astounding. Somehow she manages to remove blockages on one’s path. Thank you, Teresa for sharing your amazing gifts. I’ve had many sessions over the years and Teresa is the best! She is clear, concise, to the point, compassionate and kind. Thank you, Teresa for sharing your amazing gifts."
-Linda, Mission, BC
"Thank you, Teresa!
I thought I knew exactly what I wanted from our session, but I'm learning that a visit with you will always be unpredictable and exactly what I truly need!
I brought an unexpected guest to my most recent session with you. Having her there may have altered the direction of my visit, but certainly for the better for both of us! She walked out of that session stronger, calmer and more confident than she has ever been. My heart is filled with joy at her healing!
I hope these words encourage someone to visit you if they have been sitting undecided on the fence. Honestly, a visit with you at least a couple times a year is as important as going to a dentist! We all need a little tune-up regularly and the benefit of a visit with you shows immediate and positive results every time!
Thank you for making the time to see us and Thank you for sharing your remarkable gift!!"
-A., Port Hardy, BC Canada
"Seeing Teresa for a session is something I think everyone should do at least once. Her incredible warm calming presence puts me instantly at ease. She has outstanding powerful energy that always brings me to tears in the first few minutes of a session. No! This is not a bad thing. I can feel her pushing all the negative energy out of me and in this way I cleanse all the unwanted stuff away before we get down to the nitty gritty. By the time I am done a session (I always for for an hour and it goes by way too quickly) I feel lighter, taller, jubilant, completely relaxed, effervescent, full to the brim with positive energy and ready to take on anything that comes my way. Teresa is a great gift to all of us! Thank you Teresa for helping me become a better me."
-Kelly, BC
"Teresa is a marvel. She is the embodiment of Pure Being."
-Beverly L. Florida, USA
"I can't find the words for the way I am today, blooming like a flower sounds so corny but it is the first thing I think of. I feel so open in my heart and soo filled with gratitude and humbled somehow.
How can I thank you for what you have done.......
-Elizabeth, Virginia
"I really appreciate the session with Teresa. She listened carefully to all I had to say about the main problems keeping me stuck and unable to move forward. I feel this is just the beginning of my transformation, but feel this is the first step for the progress. I will definitely do another session with her."
-Christopher, Georgia USA
“It was a wonderful session! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the guidance and confirmation.”
-Patricia, Hawaii
"Thank you so much for everything! You are a gift to the world!"
- Denise, Minnesota
"Wonderful, truly gave me such clarity and peace within my body. I've reconnected with myself and my energy. I cannot wait to have another experience soon."
- Janine, Burnaby, BC
"There are many healers these days, but only a few work with Pure Source and Teresa is one of the rare ones. Thank you Teresa"
- R.C, California
"An incredibly unique experience! Absolutely looking forward to my next session!!"
- A.T. BC
"Thank you for opening my mind to the world of meditation. I would recommend Teresa’s abilities to anyone that wants a daily moment centering on what’s important in their lives. When I meditate with Teresa, I experience immense well being and comfort. I find myself more relaxed, peaceful, my mind and body purified. Teresa’s voice is very soothing and positive, you are easy to talk with, supportive and offer a fantastic service. Thank you again Teresa."
- Lynn M. Comox, BC
"Your insight and your ability to share so much has been absolutely life-changing for me! Your words brought things to the front of my attention that should have been there all along. You have also helped me to leave things behind that should have been let go of long ago.
Thank you for sharing your gift! I look forward to seeing you again soon!"
- a.k. BC
"Just a note to thank you for yesterday. I didn't really know what to expect when I met you.
The only word that "spoke" to me was "medium". After my father passed away, I've seen shows on TV & have always felt that I "needed" to experience that miracle.
Your work is truly exceptional and you have given my mother & I more than we could ever hope for! The injury to my back happened in 2007 and I have taken a variety of drugs to alleviate the pain. As testimony to your work, I slept on the floor with my niece & baby last night in a "nest" we built! I awoke refreshed & rested!
The adjustments to our energy were experiences that I can't put into words! I am grateful for having met you and I'm grateful for your gift. Thank you for sharing your gift with us!
We look forward to meeting you again."
- M Kelly Vancouver Island, BC
"I guess because of all my comments on your posts, i have been getting asked a lot about my experience with you. I am so happy that i had such a great experience and that i get the chance to tell others! I also know a bit about other friends experiences with you so i am able to give a wide scope of how you have affected mine and friends lives in the most positive of ways! Can’t thank you enough and i look forward to meeting with you again."
- Jilly, BC
"I learned more about myself in the 15 minutes I spent with you than the 32 years I have been alive! Awesome feeling! Highly recommend!! Teresa is amazing! You don’t come out the same person as when you went in. Will be booking again."
- J.L. Vancouver Island BC
"I feel so good, excited and happy! Thank you so much for last night’s call. I always feel much more grounded after talking to you."
- Megan, BC
"Last night’s meditation really moved me to tears. I felt an energy moving through me. Thank you so much."
- M.L., BC
"I wanted you to know how much I benefited from these 20 evening meditations. I had to do them on the replay, which is what worked for me. I will continue to replay them through the coming weeks to keep me in practice of a daily meditation."
- P.B, Comox Valley, BC
"One of the nicest and beautiful moments happened to my Grand daughter (2yrs old) when Teresa asked her if she wanted a Hug. She was little hesitant at first but something happened. She hung onto Teresa for a least 15 minutes. Not a word was spoken but the energy was astounding. When my Granddaughter let go at her own will she was different. Different you ask. Well everyone knows that 2 yr old tot can be busy little people. That wasn’t the case the rest of the day and part of the next day. Her face changed, her body language, she slept through the night which never happens. The dark circles around her eyes were gone and she was very content. I asked her later that day if she liked hugging Teresa, she smiled and said “PRINCESS”. Thank you from Grandma S."