Although all spirit mediums have developed psychic abilities, it’s not necessarily true that all people with psychic abilities are spirit mediums. A spirit medium is a person who receives information from those believed to be entities or “clairs” from beyond the physical realm we call the “normal” world. We use the word “paranormal” to describe this, as the prefix “para” really just means “side by side” or “from beyond”. For those who believe in the spirit world, past lives, and that their loved ones live on in another dimension, the services of a spirit medium can offer a unique opportunity to gain insights about life, help make decisions, and reconnect with loved ones.
Just as there are different types of clairvoyance, there are different kinds of mediumship, or ways that connections with the spirit world. The messages relayed during this kind of connection can express things related to events in the past, present, or the future.
A mental medium receives information mentally, a common term used is “telepathy”. Others spirit mediums may embody those who speak, becoming a physical bridge between two realms. During a reading with a medium, the sources of this information identify themselves as spirit guides, angels, or those who are no longer in this realm but who are still present in another. A medium
can facilitate the communication with these visitors to answer specific questions, bring closure, or release negative emotions.
Some of my earliest memories involve conversations with “visitors” who spoke to me in ways that felt just as real and authentic as any other conversation. My own experience as a medium has shown me that what is most meaningful to clients is to not filter anything by preconceived ideas or expectations. By being open to both the message and the messenger, I relay things in the way I'm directed to in the moment. To me, there is no value to receiving a gifting of this nature unless it benefits the lives of others. It is not something that belongs to me, it is something that happens through me for the benefit of others.